Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Boy Who...

I just finished reading of the best books of all time. "The Boy Who Could See Demons" and it would of been wrong of me not to write about it. It's about this boy named Alex who has gone through a lot in his life, and when he's 5 years old he is told that his dad has died, and that is the same day which he starts to see demons around him. And there is this specific demon which he learns his name is "Ruen" and Ruen tells him that he is his friend, and Ruen starts to lead him into this whole journey for Alex, which comes with a lot of troubles and risks. This is the blurb on the back of the book: 

"I first met my demon the morning that mum said dad had gone. My name is Alex. I'm ten years old. I like onions on toast and I can balance on the back legs of my chair for fourteen minutes. I can also see demons. My best friend is one. He likes Mozart, table tennis and bread and butter pudding. My mum is sick. Ruen says he can help her. Only Ruen wants me to do something really bad. He wants me to kill someone." 

I remember when I was in London, at Waterstones and my mum had given me around 50 pounds worth of money to spend on books. But living in France, and spending most of my time in Switzerland, we have no english books, and no english graphic novels (such as Death Note, One Piece, and Naruto.) Since I am really into '' I bought a ton. But then a couple other novels caught my eye, especially this one. I picked it up. This was about year ago. I never really read it, Manga and I found in recently and I started to read it. And this is my all time favourite book. It is really hard to explain what happens in it, because you really have to read it to find that out. 

The author Carolyn Jess-Cooke really brings suspense, and surprise after surprise and you really do not expect it. At some parts you might think it's repetitive  and you can predict what's going to happen, and that's what I thought. But I was really wrong. And this book also has the best ending line, in history. 

"But then a wind swept up and brushed the cloud on, and there was nothing in the sky but the first wink of stars." 

I am truly sad that it has ended, and since it doesn't have a sequel. But the author has written many other books along the same context, just with different stories so I am really looking forward to that. 

If you have time, or see this book in a shop, BUY IT, AND READ IT!! It is amazing. 

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